From clockwise:Muhaimin,ME,Qamal,Ming De,Hafizan,Hafiz,Yong Chun,Iqmal,Michael
Honestly,they are very nice & rather annoying...Each people has its own "characteristics" just like my group....Aniwaez,we had a really fun time together..One of the moments i can't forget is when we decided to listen to MJ12 & ended sleeping together in 1 bed because we are so damn scared..The place was already like a ghost town...Guess how many slept together in the bed??Well,5....It was so damn scary,man!!The next night,the SLs decided to order mac cos' we are really starving & it was Ms Goh treat...Actually,we reject her treat but you know,as what the malay says,
"Rezeki Jgn Ditolak"
So we decided to order as much food so that our stomach will not disturb others in the night...It is very emotional when we had to go home...It feels like the camp was my girlfriend.. AS IF!!!I want to stay there as long as possible,man!!Luckily,i have some pictures that can remind me of the camp..
Well,that is all now memories & i will always remember it till the end of my life...(Ckp mcm betul aje)Awrite,i hope you enjoyed reading my post..I gotta go...May all the memories i had will stay always in my heart...This is SSO...CHAO!!!!
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