Never mean to say that..I'm just bored..Can you imagine living in a house full of lecturers?!I'll suffocate sia later..C'mon lah..Give us a break..I just want to enjoy my June holidays..I'm so lonely....Nobody want to talk...ARGH!!!But the good news is that i'm 1 of the SL..I mean the nominations..Need to go through another camp to decides who have the potential to be a great SL..Hope you guys out there wish me luck!!Seriously,living in this house is so damn SIAN!!!Just want to get out from this stupid house..But if i get out,what will the elders say..I am really stuck in this house..Imagine if WonderWoman come & save me...Isn't it nice??Now i'm talking crap...Oh God!!Please help me!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Never mean to say that..I'm just bored..Can you imagine living in a house full of lecturers?!I'll suffocate sia later..C'mon lah..Give us a break..I just want to enjoy my June holidays..I'm so lonely....Nobody want to talk...ARGH!!!But the good news is that i'm 1 of the SL..I mean the nominations..Need to go through another camp to decides who have the potential to be a great SL..Hope you guys out there wish me luck!!Seriously,living in this house is so damn SIAN!!!Just want to get out from this stupid house..But if i get out,what will the elders say..I am really stuck in this house..Imagine if WonderWoman come & save me...Isn't it nice??Now i'm talking crap...Oh God!!Please help me!!
Posted by INTRO at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Although it is not that high,i managed to climb around 6 squares & it really satisfied alot....Still,there is still some phobias i've yet to overcome..One of ,my fears is well,LOVE...

Posted by INTRO at 6:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hey There Guys!!Sorry for not updating to you guys out there yesterday....Have been busy these few days..Got my results back...Quite satisfied...Not that happy..Not that sad...Just normal...Today i can say that is my bad day of all..I broke my glasses...Here's then pic...
Hey guys!!Its not funny ok!!!!!The only thing i concerned now is how i'm going to go to school without my glasses...STRESS!!!!!Haven't pack my bag for tmr camp...MORE STRESS!!!!I need something to shout at..ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am now furious!!!No mood to type...This is a bye bye i guess.This is SSO..CHAO!!!!
Posted by INTRO at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009

From clockwise:Muhaimin,ME,Qamal,Ming De,Hafizan,Hafiz,Yong Chun,Iqmal,Michael
Honestly,they are very nice & rather annoying...Each people has its own "characteristics" just like my group....Aniwaez,we had a really fun time together..One of the moments i can't forget is when we decided to listen to MJ12 & ended sleeping together in 1 bed because we are so damn scared..The place was already like a ghost town...Guess how many slept together in the bed??Well,5....It was so damn scary,man!!The next night,the SLs decided to order mac cos' we are really starving & it was Ms Goh treat...Actually,we reject her treat but you know,as what the malay says,
"Rezeki Jgn Ditolak"
So we decided to order as much food so that our stomach will not disturb others in the night...It is very emotional when we had to go home...It feels like the camp was my girlfriend.. AS IF!!!I want to stay there as long as possible,man!!Luckily,i have some pictures that can remind me of the camp..
Well,that is all now memories & i will always remember it till the end of my life...(Ckp mcm betul aje)Awrite,i hope you enjoyed reading my post..I gotta go...May all the memories i had will stay always in my heart...This is SSO...CHAO!!!!
Posted by INTRO at 5:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
KERI HILSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just Get Back Up When They Knock You Down"
Just like me!!!Strong but still weak...Enough of that!!I need to get ready for tmr chalet...So,i think i will update my blog by this Friday...This is SSO...
Posted by INTRO at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Posted by INTRO at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Oh ya!!Forgotten!!Tmr is my LITERATURE PAPER!!!So wish me luck..SSO...CHAO!!!!
Posted by INTRO at 5:45 PM 0 comments