Hey There,Peepz!!Can't wait for my big day!!Don't get me wrong..I am not going to be married (still finding girls) nor celebrating my birthday (past already)..I just can't wait to go to PERTAPIS.. Ha..Ha..If you peepz don't know what is PERTAPIS,it is like a Old Folks Home but it is under the Muslim rules (something like that)..Somemore,Hari Raya is coming, so it is much more better,not better,COMPULSORY for us to do some voluntary work..Besides that,donating is also another way in the fasting month..And why I sound like doing a composition??Ha..Ha..I am just happy to do all these work..I promise myself that this is not the last of my "charity work"..Where should I aim next??Maybe I am going to the Orphan House..Who knows??I just hope that I can still do all these work again..To those who volunteer to visit the PERTAPIS: Nuraiha,Nazmi,Liyana,Junaidi,Leila,Riiduwan,Maryam,Hafiz,Yuni,Shiela and Nabella,not forgetting my cute teacher:Ms Hanani and my nicest teacher:Ms Rin..I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU FROM MY HEART!!!!!!Ok..I am not crying now..

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