Sunday, June 14, 2009
On A RAiny DAy........
Posted by INTRO at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Hey guys!!Miss me??Na!!Didn't blog for ....9 days!!!OMG!!!Can you imagine that?!Well,quite busy...How should i start my post now??I really had no idea to start..Should i start on my trip to Sentosa or LMSC??Ok!!Decided on Sentosa...Well,as what they said, "ONCE IS NOT ENOUGH"!!!!It was damn nice!!Wish i can go again...We had Skyride & Luge..For some peeps who do not know what is "LUGE",it is something like a go-cart but at a so called beginner level..I really enjoyed..For those who never try before,do it ASAP!!!Unfortunately,i do not have the pics when i was having the luge, but i got some pics when i take the Skyride...COOL!!!Aniwaez,my heart was pumping fast as soon as i sat on the seat..It is so damn high but the beautiful scenery had cleared all my scared away...Alright then..I got to go lend my bro my lappy to do his work..This is SSO..Chao!!!
*Enjoy the pics!!
Gettin' down from our seat..
Guess which is my hand??
Spot anything here??FYI,there is a peacock..
Posted by INTRO at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Posted by INTRO at 2:48 AM 0 comments